This story follows the intertwined lives of Omar, a young man on the autism spectrum with a deep love for spaghetti Westerns, and his fiercely protective teenage sister, Kalina. After the sudden death of their mother, the siblings are left to navigate life with their troubled stepbrother, Aubrey, whose battle with alcoholism exacerbates their already precarious existence.
Omar, mentally younger than his years, finds solace in his late mother’s cherished Western films, spending his days dressed as a cowboy, attempting to cope with the world around him. Kalina, determined to shield Omar from the harsh realities of their situation, juggles school and caring for her brother, while Aubrey’s self-destructive behavior threatens to tear their fragile family apart. When an altercation at home drives Kalina to seek refuge with her boyfriend, Akil, Omar, feeling abandoned, ventures out into the city for the first time in search of his sister. Clad in his cowboy gear, he embarks on a perilous journey through the urban jungle, armed with only an old revolver from his mother’s memorabilia.